Weeknote 10

Weeknote 10
  • I've been reflecting (again) on how the language we use shapes and can cement and constraint our thinking around a problem, and how within organisations pockets of unhelpful vernacular can occur that when shared consistently can really entrench a specific world-view and culture. That all sounds very abstract, but what i mean is, i've spent some time over the last few weeks being very congniscant of this, and trying to do my bit to offer a (i hope) more useful perspective and language. This week felt like i made some progress, but only because a new voice entered the conversation, using similar language. It made me think about how important allyship and shared mental models, communicated through shared language is to making a change happen.
  • This week was a week of a few things i'd spent previous weeks prepping for, coming to pass, on the whole these things went well. One key reflection from the week has been, i don't like surprises, i spend quite a bit of time trying to avoid them, and when they do occur i need to be better at implementing a mitigation for next time.
  • Spent some time this week continuing my learning around AI, including meeting with a bunch of people in my sector and seeing and hearing what other people are starting to do, pretty nascent stuff, but it was really nice to see how responsible, pragmatic and practically useful the stuff people are trying is, in a area of guff, hyperbole and inflated expectation.
  • Work is continuing on the How to IT Strategy Newsletter with a regular newsletter going out. Progress on developing the course has been non-existent the last few weeks, so i'm moving to a fortnightly newsletter schedule to hopefully create some more time.
  • I've spent some time this week thinking about and researching my own personal development, i'm currently finding it hard to navigate between the things i want to do, things i think i should do, and things that will benefit me. I've come to the conclusion that i may need some help to get some clarity.
  • No Parkrun for me this weekend, i'm resting due to starting to develop a bit of runners knee, so i'm resting up for a few weeks, taking some supplements (that i'm not convinced with help), and will shift to some exercises that will hopefully help and not exacerbate my knees
  • Spent a few hours at my local horse and donkey sanctuary lovely place
  • Made slow progress on my learning of the Digitone 2, I feel like i need to dedicate a day to just learn and build some muscle memory in how to do stuff.