Weeknote 03/01/2025

First weeknote of the year! and first ever weeknote, we'll see how long these last.
I've always been slightly wary of weeknotes, mainly because i worry that a) i'll write something that might be perceived as a bit off by someone i know, and b) I wonder whether there is much of interest that i can write about in a week.
I've decided to get over myself and just do it, theres an underlying reason, i aim to be a bit more creative this year, in a number of ways, but one of them will involve writing more, I figure trying to get into a weeknote habit might be a useful exercise in getting out of my own way and helping to lubricate the writing cogs in my brain a little.
This week I am still on leave, so other than enjoying the liminal space of the crimbo limbo, i've naturally been reflecting on things and looking forward
I received a very nice journal as a Christmas gift and set it up over christmas as a 'bullet journal'. I've tried to keep it basic to start, i have an index, future log (year on 2 pages), some loose goals, monthly calendar and task list, a reading list (suggestions welcome!), Album listening list (suggestions very welcome!), Blog idea list, habit tracker, side hustle todo list, and then daily logs.
Every time i write in the journal i'm evolving how i use it, new symbols with new meanings, adaptations of usage e.g. my 'habit tracker', started off as an exercise tracker. I'm finding it useful and motivating (i'm writing this post because its in my journal), but i am very aware that i'm only on day 3 😄.
I aim to read more this year, i've started working through my Kindle library backlog and am currently reading Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B, Rosenberg. only 14% through it so far, but its an interesting read that aligns to my values and i think has a lot for me to reflect on and make use of in my Coaching practice.
I have a habit of doing an annual year end self-flagellation, so in an effort to try and minimise the strokes this year i've chosen to list out some loose and interconnected 'goals', some personal, some professional, some health, some mundane, some exciting. I intend writing them down to be a way of a) getting them out of my head and b) in so doing, increasing the likelihood of some of them getting done, I am also telling myself that they will not be a list of things i beat myself up about, but we shall see i guess...