Weybourne Music

Weybourne Music Video
Weybourne beach is a shingle beach east of Salthouse and west of Sheringham. Its the starting point of the low cliffs that stretch east from Weybourne to Sheringham and on to Cromer and beyond.
This song started off with me playing around with a synth patch on my microfreak, Once i came up with the initial synth part that starts the song i ended up recording very quickly, some complementary synth parts, of which only a few remain as synth parts in the finished song, others i shifted to guitar, bass and other instrument parts.
After finishing the synth parts i immediately had an idea for a laid back drum beat, and used the vintage breaks drum kit in Logic. The original synth parts weren't recorded to a click, so the drums were played in live to fit the timing, with some minimal editing afterwards to fix parts where i screwed up 😀.
I then worked on the bass, which is me playing my cheapo squire jaguar bass. early on in the song i like the idea of the bass introducing musical ideas that are then picked up by other instruments. I then worked moved on to re-playing some of the synth parts as guitar parts, just to add a bit of variation in the sounds. A couple of the original microfreak parts i re-played using a Logic synth part and adding some nice delay.
Towards the end of recording i added a little guitar solo to the part of the song just before the outro, for the outro i introduced a field recording sample of the waves dragging across the shingle beach, i also doubled the ride cymbal part of the drum beat with a very short wave sample, its low in the mix and so short you probably can't hear it, but its there, and fills out the ride sound somewhat.
The original field recording video is here:
Original field recording video