The End

Over 3 years since i first had the idea i've now completed my North Norfolk field recording music project, where i wrote a piece of music, inspired by and using the sounds i recorded at 14 locations along the North Norfolk coast. you can now:
Buy the 14 song album from my Bandcamp
Listen to all 14 songs (and watch the accompanying videos, and original field recording videos) on my youtube channel
A playlist for all of the music is here
If you just really love field recordings then there is a playlist for you here.
I also recorded a video for each piece of music where i break down how i wrote and produced each song, a playlist for this is available here
It has been an amazing project, it took longer than i thought, it was harder than i thought, but i enjoyed it more than i could have imagined, and learnt so much through the process. I'm really pleased to have finished it and am really proud of what i produced. I also blogged the whole process here so you can read what i was thinking at each stage of the process.
I'm now off to focus my attention on other things, i do have a few ideas percolating for what might be my next music project, by my album and it'll greatly increase the chances of me doing the ideas 😄