Sheringham, North Norfolk, field recording

The final location for my North Norfolk field recording music project was Sheringham. Sheringham was the only town or large settlement that i field recorded in, with the rest of the locations either being more remote beaches or small harbours or quays, so the nature and type of sounds i recorded here were quite different, and with the larger number of people here the process of recording felt quite different.
Before recording at Sheringham i had planned to also record at Cromer, further east along the coast. But having recorded at Sheringham i realised that it wasn't the sort of location i really wanted to either field record, or make a piece of music for. I realised that for this project, I really want to focus on the more natural environments. Who knows, maybe i'll do a more town/city focused project in the future, but for now i'm thinking i may not write a piece of music for Sheringham in this project as the location feels like an anomaly when compared to the previous locations.
Nevertheless i did enjoy recording at Sheringham, theres was something quite pleasing about capturing people going about their day out at the seaside against the backdrop of the beautifully blue sea and sky, this was recorded on the same day that i recorded Morston, Blakeney, Cley, Salthouse, and Weybourne and the excellent weather and light had continued.
So, this is the last blog post in this series that will be about the actual field recording. My plan is to focus next on completing the individual pieces of music for each location. Once i've completed a piece of music for a location, i'll set the piece of music to a re-edited video for the location and then stick it up on my youtube channel (like and subscribe, lol) and also write a blog post here describing my thought process and the approach i took with each composition (feels a bit pretentious saying composition, but i guess thats what they are).
Whilst i've got 5/6 pieces of music on the go at the moment i will finish/publish the piece of music in the order the locations were recorded in, so in a way they represent the journey from West to East along the North Norfolk coast. finally, once i've completed all the pieces of music, i'll stick them on my Bandcamp as an album.